Divine Appointments
Divine Appointments
Events and circumstances in our lives are not always just mere common occurrences but rather divine set-ups and many times they unfortunately go unrecognized. Hence, you did not recognize your answer or your blessing that you have been praying about.
The book of Samuel (Judge, Prophet & Priest) sites a clear situation in the case of Saul who had no idea he would be chosen as KING over Israel on a very ordinary day “going about” doing an ordinary task. Saul was as a common no big deal kind of person much like you and I. The difference was that unknown to him he had been chosen for a kingdom purpose and it was the perfect (divine) time.
In scripture we find Saul in the middle of doing a very mundane ordinary task, of all things just seeking his father’s missing donkeys, nothing necessarily exciting. The truth is many times we are oblivious as we shop, attend events, catch a taxi, bump into a stranger, or out for a meal, that our divine appointment may show-up! Notice we don't have to be doing anything special or big! Many times Divine Appointments shows-up amongst our mundane tasks.
I've had recognizable divine appointments; two in particular immediately come to mind through one person per occurrence that brought me to a higher dimension in my life and mission. That divine appointment may be your new job, it may be your wife, your new car, or like a person in my family who received a full ride college athletic scholarship as a result of a coach (her divine appointment) who happened to be seated next to her on an airplane.
I want to caution church goers that your divine appointment is not just limited to your church. It may show up anywhere, anytime! This is why it is so important as you live a life of prayer that your sensitivity is heightened and your spiritual eyes illuminated for possible situations involving the Lord’s guidance, or people as potential divine appointments for God’s next phase for your life.
The biblical book of Ruth is another excellent example of a poor and broken woman and her incredible story of marrying a very wealthy man named Boaz to whom she once gleaned from his field and evidently married and bore his son, Obed. This all happened due to the Lord’s guidance by way of divine orchestration and divine appointment. (Beloved, I highly urge you to read this brief book of Ruth to capture this amazing story in its fullness.)
May this blog bring due season exhortation to readers who think, who me? I wish. Don't let the devil fool ya, because truth be told, like Saul, God does direct your pathway as well as set’s perfect conditions in order to bring you to the place he wills for you to be at the right time. You need only be sober and alert!
Bible References:
– I Samuel Chapter 9 (Learn more about Saul’s divine appointment)
-The Book of Ruth (Learn more about Ruth’s divine appointment)
By The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson http://www.theministryoflljohnson.org